# humanstxt.org # The humans responsible & technology colophon Created by 7links.com.br Fortaleza, Ceará https://7links.com.br # TEAM Bruno Magalhães Developer http://7links.com.br Ronan Ribeiro Developer http://7links.com.br Jonas Sousa Interface desing and Front-end https://www.behance.net/onasousa # THANKS TO Mina Markham https://github.com/minamarkham/sassy-starter/blob/master/humans.txt # COLOPHON HTML5 Boilerplate https://html5boilerplate.com The web’s most popular front-end template Sass http://sass-lang.com/ Normalize http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css A clean and simple reset. Only contains the bare minimum of what's needed. jQuery, http://jquery.com Javascript made easy. Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/ The Fastest Tool that Converts Fabulous Icons into Web Fonts. /* INSPIRATION */ I borrowed bits of code ideas from Codepen & Codrops projects. https://css-tricks.com/ http://hugogiraudel.com/ http://codepen.io http://tympanus.net/codrops/